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Date: 1998-07-13

.it: Kommune Rom dreht Avantguarde/netzwerk ab

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q/depesche 98.7.13/3

.it: Kommune Rom dreht Künstlernetzwerk ab

$& schneidet sich ins eigene Fleisch. Die
"sperimentali" waren bis dato der weitaus
populärste Teil des römischen
Stadtinformationssystems. Dort zählen offenbar
noch keine Pageviews oder Visits, sondern es
regiert noch die gute alte Politik.

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The city council member responsible of Civic
networks has closed the Civic network in Rome.

Mariella Gramaglia, responsible of Civic networks,
closed by authority and without warning all
internet spaces that had been given in the past
years to citizens and associations related to
Experimental Projects.

This event took place only a few days after the
seizure of the Islands in the Net server which
abruptly stopped all activities of many nonprofit
associations. In spite of two questions in
Parliament and the unanimous judgment of netizens
about the "foolishness" of the action, once again
a whole web site (which contained information in
no way related to the "offensive" page) was taken
down in order to just censor one page (a
deplorable action by itself).

The thoughtless action damages the work of all
people and groups who have contributed their time
for free and who have been the true force of civic

It can not go unnoticed that with this action
Mariella Gramaglia simply destroyed the Civic
network. Actually, Experimental Projects was the
most popular section of the Civic network in Rome,
the only spot of free expression for roman
associations and citizens.

At the moment, after the thoughtless action, only
the institutional web site of the Rome
administration remains online. Mrs. Gramaglia does
not seem to understand that an institutional site
is not a civic network.

Besides, the reason of the action is laughable:
priest Don Fortunato Noto, who started an
association called Telefono Arcobaleno (Rainbow
Telephone) in Avola (Sicily) fighting pedophilia
in sometimes worrying ways (books pyre, press
campaignes against toys manufactures and tv shows)
and producing often more hysteria than quiet care,
decided to file a charge against the city
administration over a page stored on the server.
The "indicted" page is a quote of a literary piece
published on a nationally distributed magazine
purchasable in every bookstore. This is equivalent
to censoring literary criticism that quotes
"unseemly" works and closing all libraries and
bookstores. The quote is part of a project named
"Feminine and science fiction: writing patterns" ,
which is also a graduation thesis successfully
upholded at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

The web page was part of one of the FRD (Roman
Digital Forum) active projects, an area arranged
by and for artists and knowledge workers also
provided with a wide network of international

The work of dozens of associations and citizens
(included an association of the Carabinieri police
force and one related to firemen) has been
disregarded and the commitments taken by the
councillor department betrayed. From that we infer
the unreliable behaviour of the city council,
which at first offers free expression spaces to
its citizens and then it removes them without
warning. We only need to know that.

Summarizing: - the city administration interrupted
open-ended time a public service betraying its
commitments with roman citizens - the reason
behind this action appears laughable from a legal
point of view and appears as an autocratic act of
a city officer who has decided to change without
warning the open policy of the previous
administration, which was more respectful of the
right to expression of the citizens. - after
months in her position, Mrs. Gramaglia still does
not seem to understand the workings and the
concepts of the internet and civic networks (this
is easily understood by her statements to the

We therefore demand the immediate reopening of all
services of the roman civic network and a meeting
with Mrs. Gramaglia and all associations and
citizens that participate in the network, in order
to calmly but seriously evaluate the competencies
that are needed to administrate the network.

The participants of Foro Romano Digitale
Associazione culturale Edu.Co. Associazione
culturale Matrix Associazione culturale Virtual
Mondo Associazione Culturale IperAudio
Associazione Oikos Simultaneita' Complesso
per/forma Sciattoproduzie Luther Blisset J.W.L.
-- Maurizio Mazzoneschi

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published on: 1998-07-13
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